Company Rosters

Saturday, September 1, 2007

The 48th Pennsylvania & 2nd Bull Run: Part 6: Casualties

The 48th Pennsylvania suffered 155 casualties at the battle of 2nd Bull Run, including 42 men killed or mortally wounded.
The following is a comprehensive list of the 48th's casualties at 2nd Bull Run:

Killed in Action/Mortally Wounded {42}

1st Sergeant B. G. Otto (Co. A) MW Died October 15, 1862
Corporal John Brobst, (Co. A) MW Died 9/17/1862
Private John Leiser (Co. A) KIA
Private John Springer (Co. A) MW Died October 3, 1862
Private Lewis M. Reece (Co. B) KIA
Private Nicholas Shitehour (Co. B) MW Died January 1863
Sergeant Oliver C. Hatch: (Co. C) KIA
Private John Wiser (Co. C) KIA
Private Barney Gettley (Co. C) KIA
Private James Low (Co. C) MW Died October 30, 1862
Sergeant William Bambrick (Co. D) MW Died September 12, 1862
Corporal George Ramer (Co. D) MW Died September 6, 1862
Private George Hartz (Co. D) MW Died December 20, 1862
Private Charles Miller (Co. D) KIA
Private John Sullivan (Co. D) MW Died October 8, 1862
Sergeant Stafford Johnson (Co. E) MW
Corporal William Mackey (Co. E) KIA
Private John Baker (Co. E) KIA
Private James Farrell (Co. E) MW Died September 25, 1862
Private William Moose (Co. E) MW Died in Pottsville
Private Thomas Major (Co. E) MW Died October 31, 1862
Private Michael Brennan (Co. E) KIA
Private Hugh McFeely (Co. E) KIA
Private Simon (or Samuel) Moyer (Co. E) KIA
Corporal Henry Jenkins (Co. F) KIA
Corporal William Hopkins (Co. F) KIA
Private Thomas J. Thomas (Co. F) MW Died January 1864
Private John J. Morrison (CO. F) MW Died October 23, 1862
Private Peter Quinn (Co. F) KIA
Private Michael Killrain (Co. F) KIA
Private John Haggerty (Co. F) KIA
Private James Muldowney (Co. G) MW
Private William Smith (Co. G) MW Died September 14, 1862
Private John Farne (Co. G) MW Died November 8, 1862
Private William Nagle (Co. H) KIA
Private Paul White (Co. H) KIA
Sergeant Samuel Petit (Co. H) KIA
Sergeant Thomas Kelly (Co. H) KIA
Private Hesgian Link (Co. I) KIA
Private Charles F. Leiser (Co. I) KIA
Captain Henry A.M. Filbert (Co. K)
Sergeant Roland D. Filbert (Co. K) KIA
Corporal Patrick Handley (Co. K) MW Died October 25, 1862

Wounded {56}

Lieutenant John D. Bertolette (Acting Assistant Adjutant General)
Private George Albright (Co. A)
Private William Betz (Co. A)
Private Elias Britton (Co. A)
Private George Miller (Co. A)
Private Andrew Neely (Co. A)
Private Joel Marshall (Co. A)
Sergeant Thomas Johnson (Co. B)
Sergeant Jno. Bassler (Co. B)
Corporal Jacob Freshly (Co. B)
Private John Lucid (Co. B) ?
Thomas Whalen (Co. C) ?
Private Jonas Geiger (Co. C)
Private Solomon Strausser (Co. C)
Private Edward Brennan (Co. C)
Lieutenant Henry P. Owens (Co. D)
Private John W. Derr (Co. D)
Private Frank Dorward (Co. D)
Private Henry Gottschall (Co. D)
Private Philip Kantner (Co. D) ?
Private Peter C. Kreiger (Co. D)
Private David T. Kreiger (Co. D) ?
Sergeant J. H. Fisher (Co. E)
Fifer John Cameron (Co. E)
Private Michael Bohannon (Co. E)
Private James Berger, Sr. (Co. E) ?
Private James Berger, Jr. (Co. E) ?
Private Henry Lord (Co. E)
Private Abraham Kleckner (Co. E) ?
Private Robert Thompson (Co. E)
Corporal John Devine (Co. F)
Corporal George N. Douden (Co. F) ?
Private Stephen Taggart (Co. F)
Private John Powell (Co. F)
Private Thomas Lloyd (Co. F)
Private William Jenkins (Co. F) ?
Corporal Charles Evans (Co. G)
Private M. Berger (Co. G)
Private John Grace (Co. G)
Private Lewis Quinn (Co. G)
Private Joshua Reed (Co. G)
Private John Shaw (Co. G)
Private John Wonders (Co. G)
Private John Willingham (Co. G)
Private William Dreibelbeis (Co. H)
Private J.T. Wildermuth (Co. H)
Private George T. Eisenhuth (Co. H)
Private George W. Christian (Co. H)
Corporal Benjamin F. Kershner (Co. I)
Private Rudolph Rumble (Co. I)
Private Eli Fenstermaker (Co. K)
Private James Day (Co. K)
Private Milton Ludwig (Co. K)
Private James Cavanaugh (Co. K)
Private James Dullard (Co. K) ?
Private Joseph Burgess (Co. K)
Captured/Missing In Action {56}

Corporal John Taylor (Co. A)
Private Israel Britton (Co. A)
Private Henry Davis (Co. A)
Private William H. Koch (Co. A)
Private George Livingston (Co. A)
Private Daniel Leiser (Co. A)
Private Morgan Simon (Co. A) ?
Private F.W. Simon (Co. A)
Sergeant Philip Hughes (Co. B)
Private William Bradley (Co. B)
Private Henry Copeland (Co. B) ?
Private John Evans (Co. B)
Private Joseph Rahny (Co. B)
Private Samuel Stanley (Co. B) ?
Corporal John Roarty (Co. C)
Private Murt Brennan (Co. C)
Private John Jones (Co. C) ?
Private William Larkin (Co. C)
Corporal Leonard Shrishorn (Co. D) ?
Corporal Israel T. Vankannon (Co. D) ?
Corporal William Timmons (Co. D)
Private Mattis Bailey (Co. D)
Private Eli Derr (Co. D) ?
Private Isaiah Kline (Co. D)
Private Joseph Kuhns (Co. D)
Private Bodo Otto (Co. D)
Corporal D. McAllister (Co. E)
Private Alfred Barlow (Co. E)
Private Jefferson Canfield (Co. E) ?
Private James Greener (Co. E)
Private Joseph Lord (Co. E)
Private John McSorely (Co. E)
Private John Morrissey (Co. F)
Private Samuel Dunkerly (Co. F)
Private John Devine (Co. F)
Private Richard Littlehales (Co. F)
Private Thomas Lyshon (Co. F)
Lieutenant Henry Clay Jackson (Co. G)
Corporal Joel Betz (Co. G)
Sergeant Samuel Ruch (Co. H)
Corporal Thomas H. Sillyman (Co. H)
Private John Benedict (Co. H)
Private William Huber (Co. H)
Private Daniel Lauer (Co. H)
Private John W. Ray (Co. H)
Private Israel Schmehl (Co. H)
Sergeant Theodore Pletz (Co. I)
Private Christopher Seward (Co. I)
Corporal Thomas Brennan (Co. K) ?
Private David Boyer (Co. K)
Private W.D. Dress (Co. K)
Private Daniel Shaneley (Co. K) ?
Private W. Fenstermaker (Co. K) ?
Private Hiram Spears (Co. K) ?
Private William T. Reed (Co. K) ?
Private William Lavenberger (Co. K) ?

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