Company Rosters

Sunday, June 8, 2008

48th Pennsylvania Casualties at Cold Harbor: June 1-4, 1864

The Battle of Cold Harbor, Alfred Waud. . .
I am a little behind with this posting. I originally intended to post it earlier this week to coincide with the 144th Anniversary of the battles near Cold Harbor, Virginia. The 48th Pennsylvania was heavily engaged in this battle, especially on June 3, 1864, in attacks against the Confederate left flank. The following is the list of casualties sustained by the 48th Pennsylvania in action at Cold Harbor. . .
The Battle of Cold Harbor, Kurz & Allison
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Killed/Mortally Wounded (16)
Patrick Farrell (Co. C)
Sergeant Thomas Tosh (Co. E)
David Williams (Co. E)
Daniel E. Reedy (Co. E)
Edward G. Pugh (Co. F)
William Smith (Co. F)
James Bradley (Co. F)
Corporal Alexander Govan (Co. G)
James Allison (Co. G)
Joseph Alexander (Co. H)
Jeremiah Willoner (Co. I)
John Clark (Co. I)
William J. Price (Co. I)
Benjamin B. Kershner (Co. I)
George Dresh (Co. I)
Jacob Lauby (Co. K)

Corporal Alexander Govan, Company G, was among the killed at Cold Harbor

Wounded (55)

William Koch (Co. A)
George Betz (Co. A)
John Hegg (Co. A)
Simon Snyder (Co.A)
Elias Lins (Co. A)
Corporal Monroe Heckman (Co. A)
J.D. Ash (Co. A)
Samuel Eckroth (Co. A)
Israel Britton (Co. A)
Sergeant Samuel Strauch (Co. B)
Sergeant Robert Campbell (Co. B)
1st Lieutenant P.C. Loeser (Co. C)
2nd Lieutenant William Clark (Co. C)
John Dolan (Co. C)
Thomas Boyle (Co. C)
Daniel Boyer (Co. E)
John Clemens (Co. E)
Robert Beverage (Co. E)
Patrick Brennan (Co. E)
Charles Quinn (Co. E)
Albert Cummings (Co. E)
Abraham Sigmund (Co. E)
Sergeant James Easton (Co. F)
Corporal Robert Padden (Co. F)
George H. Jones (Co. F)
Jacob Kuhns (Co. F)
William E. Duffy (Co. F)
Cyrus Haines (Co. F)
James Hoult (Co. F)
Sergeant C.F. Kuentzler (Co. G)
Corporal John Hutton (Co. G)
William Martin (Co. G)
John Benedict (Co. H)
Sergeant Henry Burnsteel (Co. H)
Corporal Henry Matthews (Co. H)
Corporal William Lloyd (Co. H)
Joseph Hayes (Co. H)
Anthony O’Donnell (Co. H)
James Welsh (Co. H)
William Davis (Co. H)
Edward Metz (Co. H)
1st Sergeant Oliver A. J. Davis (Co. I)
Sergeant Jacob Ongstadt (Co. I)
Corporal Elias C. Kehl (Co. I)
Peter Keller (Co. I)
William Owens (Co. I)
John H. Cooper, Jr. (Co. I)
Isaac Beltz (Co. I)
Charles Gould (Co. I)
Martin Dooley (Co. I)
Thomas J. Reed (Co. I)
H.W. Hass (Co. K)
Milton Nagle (Co. K)
William G. Keiser (Co. K)
Thomas Hudson (Co. K)

1 comment:

  1. Sgt Burnsteel was my great-great grandfather. Knew he had enlisted, did not know where he served. His son served in WWI, his in WWII and his in Viet Nam. I missed the Gulf War completely and spent the Bosnian war turning circles in the Aegean.
