Company Rosters

Monday, May 25, 2009

Photo Gallery: Some Unique Views of the Nagle Statue

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Last week, Mike Kraus came to Antietam to take some measurements for the replacement sword on the Nagle statue. While up in the lift provided by the NPS, Mike snapped a lot of rather unusual photographs. The following are just a few. Note the level of detail in the uniform; even the top of the kepi has the general's trefoils, though not all four lines as a general would have worn.
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  1. Hi John,

    Is it "Nah-gle" or "Nay-gle" ??? I have heard both on tours and was wondering which side you fall on.


  2. Bill
    I do believe it is "Nah-gle," since the family was of German descent. "Nay-gle," I believe, is more of an Irish pronunciation. However, I, too have heard it both. Interestingly, I have many letters from soldiers in the 6th & 9th NH who served under Nagle spell his name "Noggle" in their letters home, which leads me further to believe that it is "Nah-gle."


  3. Many thanks for the great photos. It's probably been a long time since the top of that kepi was last viewed.

    Tom Shay - Cressona, PA
