Company Rosters

Friday, January 14, 2011

South Mountain Book Set For March Release

I am very pleased to say that my history of the long-overlooked September 14, 1862, Battle of South Mountain is tentatively set for release on March 8.

What I sought to accomplish with this work was to provide a good narrative accounting of this important battle, examining the events that led up to it, focusing extensively on the fighting at the three main gaps (Crampton's, Fox's, and Turner's/Frosttown), and analyzing its consequences and significance to the overall Maryland Campaign.

The book will form part of the History Press' Civil War Sesquicentennial Series. I was first put in touch with the series editor, Doug Bostick, through my friend Eric Wittenberg, to whom I would like to extend my thanks. Last year, Eric's excellent book on the Battle of Brandy Station was published as part of the same series. It was an honor to be asked to write this book, and I can only hope my work meets the faith they both put in me for this project. It has been a great pleasure to work with Doug and with everyone at the History Press, who at every step were very encouraging and diligent. It was a great experience working with this company, and I do hope I may get to work with them again one day.

So, mark your calendars for March 8 (or thereabouts). The book will be heading off to the printer today. . .January 14.

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  1. Congratulations Ranger Hoptak,
    I will be adding this to my to-read list for 2011. Will this book be available in bookstores? I have had a difficult time locating any of The History Press Civil War titles.
    Looking forward to reading your book,

  2. Scott
    Thank you for that; I do you'll enjoy. I am hoping it will be available in many stores, but that remains to be seen. Certainly the Museum Store at Antietam will carry it, and I am confident the American History Store in Gettysburg will as well. (They have nearly all the titles in this series available). And, of course, it will always be available through amazon, Barnes & Noble, etc.

    Again, I hope you enjoy. I would love to hear your feedback.

  3. Congratulations and looking forward to getting the South Mountain book. The Battle of South Mountain has been overlooked by the much larger battle of Antietam. Hopefully this will regenerate interest in the Battle of South Mountain

  4. Thank you, John.

    I hope I got it right! I look forward to your thougts/feedback.
