Company Rosters

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Soldiers of the 48th: Elias Britton, Company A, 48th PA

Elias and Israel Britton--whether brothers or cousins, I am not quite certain--volunteered their services to the Union during the summer of 1861, and in mid-September were mustered into service as privates, in Company A, 48th Pennsylvania Infantry. Israel hailed from Tamaqua and listed his occupation as farmer; Elias, the older of the two at age 25, was a miller from Auburn. He stood 5'6" in height, with a dark complexion, dark eyes, and dark hair.

The Brittons served throughout the four years of the conflict. Both fell wounded at 2nd Bull Run on August 29, 1862, and in early 1864, both would reenlist, offering to serve another three years, or until the war was decided. It appears Elias fell ill near war's end, and was absent when the regiment mustered out of service on July 17, 1865. The records indicate that Israel deserted on March 15, 1865. Both, however, are listed as "Veterans" in the regimental muster rolls, having served nobly in the ranks of Company A and even shedding some of their blood in combat.

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