Company Rosters

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Before The Crater: The 48th Pennsylvania at Petersburg: Part 3: Casualties

The past several posts have focused on the actions of the 48th Pennsylvania at the Battle(s) of Petersburg, fought in mid-June 1864. These actions have long been neglected, or overlooked, with the lionshare of attention on the Petersburg Campaign centering on the Battle of the Crater and even the April 2, 1865 assault, which led to the collapse of the Confederate line.

But the fighting that took place from June 15-18, 1864, as the armies arrived at Petersburg and settled into position was no less important. As mentioned several times in the previous two posts, the 48th Pennsylvania was heavily engaged in these actions, particularly on June 17, and suffered a high number of losses. Indeed, during the action on June 17-18, the 48th lost twenty men killed or mortally wounded, forty-one wounded, and four captured/missing.

Their names follow.

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48th Pennsylvania Casualties at the Battle of Petersburg
[All casualties lost on June 17, 1864, unless otherwise stated]

Killed/Mortally Wounded (20)

John Cochrane (Co. A)
[Mortally Wounded]

Francis M. Stidham (Co. A) [June 18]
[Mortally Wounded; Died 7/10/1864]
Gilbert Graham (Co. C) [June 18]
[Mortally Wounded; Died 4/1/1865]
William Reysons (Co. E)
[Mortally Wounded; Died 6/24/1864]
James Regan (Co. E)
[Mortally Wounded; Died 6/30/1864]
James Mercer (Co. E)
[Mortally Wounded; Died 5/21/1865]
John Major (Co. E)
Horace Straub (Co. F)
Isaac Lewis (Co. F)
Simon Devlin (Co. F) [June 18]

1st Lieutenant Curtis C. Pollock (Co. G)
[Mortally Wounded; Died 6/27/1864]
Howard Jones (Co. G)
[Mortally Wounded; Died 7/13/1864]
George W. Morey (Co. H)
Jefferson W. Beyerle (Co. H)
James Mulholland (Co. H)
Anthony Gallagher (Co. H)
Thomas Davis (Co. H) [June 18]

1st Lieutenant Joseph Edwards (Co. I)
[Mortally Wounded; Died 7/2/1864]
Nathan Rich (Co. K)
Arthur Gray (Co. K) [June 18]

Elias Britton (Co. A)
John Holman (Co. A)
John McLean [or McLain] (Co. A)
William Huckey (Co. A)
John H. Shaeffer (Co. A)
Joel Lins (Co. A)
Henry Schreyer (Co. A) [June 18]
James W. Sterner (Co. A) [June 18]
William Dreibelbeis (Co. A) [June 18]
Joseph Dreibelbeis (Co. A) [June 18]
Sergeant Robert Campbell (Co. B)
Corporal James Rider (Co. B)
Sergeant Henry Weiser (Co. C)

1st Lieutenant James K. Helms (Co. D)
Corporal Jonathan Deitrich (Co. D)
Lewis Dietrich (Co. D)
Jacob D. Caspar (Co. D)
Joseph Berlinger [or Buddinger] (Co. D)
Joseph Lindenmuth (Co. D) [June 18]
Thomas Clemens (Co. E)
R.B. Thompson (Co. E)
Murt Brennan (Co. F)
Pat Boran (Co. F)
Corporal Robert Wallace (Co. F)
Edward L. Shissler (Co. F)
Joshua Reed (Co. G)
Lieutenant D.B. Brown (Co. H)
Charles Eberley (Co. H)
Lewis Aurand (Co. H)
Jonathan Dillet (Co. H)
Frank Ringer (Co. I)
William Kramer (Co. I)
Corporal Benjamin Williams (Co. I) [June 18]
Christian Seward (Co. I) [June 18]
Samuel T. DeFrehn (Co. I) [June 18]
Jacob Reichwein (Co. I) [June 18]
Charles R. Koch (Co. I) [June 18]
Sergeant Thomas Irwin (Co. K)
John Gillinger (Co. K)
Oliver W. Schwartz (Co. K)
David Houser (Co. K)

Captured/Missing (4)
Corporal Andrew Wren (Co. B)
[Captured; held in captivity 6/21/64-4/21/65]
Jacob Wigner (Co. B)
[Captured; Died 1/1/1865]
Mike Lavell (Co. G)
William Auchenbach (Co. G)

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