From the late summer of 1861 until the date of the regiment's disbandment on July 17, 1865, at least 329 soldiers of the 48th Pennsylvania died, whether in camp, in the hospital, in the prison pen, or on the battlefield. The number is most likely higher still, since the records for a good number of the soldiers are simply not clear nor conclusive; several are simply listed as "Not On Muster Out Roll." And thus far, I have not been able to determine all of these soldiers' fates. Also, it must be kept in mind that this figure does not include those who died after the war and still early in their life from the wounds, the disease, and the hardships of soldiering. General James Nagle, for example, the man who first organized the regiment in the summer of 1866, passed away at age 44 in August 1866 from heart disease, which his physicians determined was caused by the war. There were many others; those who died at age 25 or 30 or 35 throughout the late 1860s and 1870s. But during the conflict itself, at least 329 soldiers of the 48th Pennsylvania lost their lives. This number is much higher than the one provided in the regimental history penned by Joseph Gould, which records only 236 regimental fatalities, and higher than what was initially tallied in the 1865 book Memorial to the Patriotism of Schuylkill County, which records 234 dead from the 48th. A close look at all the sources, however, reveals that at least 328 perished--and likely more. The dead of the 48th--those who died during the four-year-war--lie buried in six states: Pennsylvania, of course, but also North Carolina, Maryland, Virginia, Tennessee, and Georgia, as well as in the District of Columbia, which is a testament to all the hard campaigning the regiment endured from 1861-1865. In terms of the regiment's costliest battles, 2nd Bull Run tops the list with 40 soldiers either killed or mortally wounded. Spotsylvania comes in second. The Battles of Cold Harbor, Petersburg (June 17-18, 1864), Petersburg (April 2, 1865), Antietam, and Fredericksburg were also particularly deadly for the regiment. 1864 was the deadliest year, with 157 fatalities--nearly half of all the regiment's deaths during the war--occurring in that awful year.
A chronological listing of those who died from the ranks of the 48th Pennsylvania, is provided below, along with several of the photographs of those who gave their last full measure. . .
Pennsylvania Civil War Deaths
1861 (8)
-William Millet, Co. H: Died: 9/7/1861;
Accidentally Killed on the Railroad in Harrisburg
-Daniel Reighard, Co. C: 11/11/1861;
Died at Camp Hamilton, VA
-William Miller, Co. A: Died: 11/21/1861
at Hatteras Inlet, North Carolina.
-Sergeant William T. Garrett, Co. H:
Died 11/23/1861 at Fortress Monroe
-Thomas Davidson, Co. B: Died 11/28/1861
at Hatteras, North Carolina
-Lieutenant Alexander Fox, Co. D: Died:
12/1/1861 on steamer Spaulding near Fortress Monroe, VA
-William Brerton, Co. F: Died at Ft.
Clark, Hatteras Inlet, NC, 12/11/1861
-Philip L. Diehl, Co. G: Died
12/23/1861, Hatteras, N.C.
1862 (98)
-Thomas McAvoy, Co. C: 1/14/1862; Died
at Camp Winfield, NC
-John Spreese, Co. A: Died: 1/21/1862 at
New Bern, North Carolina
-Surgeon David Minis: Died at Roanoke,
North Carolina, N.C., 2/14/1862, of over-exerting himself attending to the
-George F. Mains, Co. K: Died 3/30/1862
at Hatteras, NC
-Andrew Spear, Co. D: Died 4/15/1862 at
Newbern, NC
-Bernard West, Co. A: Died: 5/12/1862 in
New Bern, North Carolina.
-Daniel Flagerty, Co. C: Died 5/28/1862 in
Newbern, North Carolina
-Andrew Klock, Co. D: Died of typhoid
fever 6/30/1862 at Newbern, NC
-Charles Treisbach, Co. F: Died 7/1/1862
-Addison Seaman, Co. D: Died of
Disease, 7/16/1862
-Mattis Sheafer, Co. D: Died 8/4/1862;
Committed Suicide on board steamer Cossack
-Abraham Ferrer, Co. B: Died August 7,
-Israel Eiler, Co. B: Died August 7,
1862, in New York
-Alexander Boone, Co. I: Died in
Fredericksburg, 8/11/1862
-Franklin Wetzel, Co. A: Died:
8/12/1862; Drowned in the Potomac River as the result of the sinking of the
steamer West Point.
-1st Lt. George H. Gressang, Co. I:
Drowned 8/12/1862 by the sinking of the steamer West Point
-Thomas G. Williams, Co. B: Drowned
8/13/1862 on the Potomac River
-John H. Leiser, Co. A: Killed in Action
at 2nd Bull Run, 8/29/1862.
-Louis M. Reece, Co. B: Killed in Action
at 2nd Bull Run, 8/29/1862
-John Weiser, Co. C: 8/29/1862; Killed
in Action at 2nd Bull Run
-Barney Gettler, Co. C: 8/29/1862;
Killed in Action at 2nd Bull Run
-Charles Miller, Co. D: Killed in Action
at 2nd Bull Run, 8/29/1862
-Corporal Leonard Shrishorn, Co. D:
Killed in Action at 2nd Bull Run, 8/29/1862
-Corporal Israel Vancannon, Co. D:
Killed in Action at 2nd Bull Run, 8/29/1862
-Mattis Bailey, Co. D: Killed in Action
at 2nd Bull Run, 8/29/1862
-Cpl. William Mackey/McKay, Co. E:
Killed in Action at 2nd Bull Run, 8/29/1862
-Michael Brennan, Co. E: Killed in
Action at 2nd Bull Run, 8/29/1862
-Hugh McFeely, Co. E: Killed in Action
at 2nd Bull Run, 8/29/1862
-Samuel Moyer, Co. E: Killed in Action
at 2nd Bull Run, 8/29/1862
-John Becker/Baker, Co. E: Missing and
Presumed Dead at 2nd Bull Run, 8/29/1862
-John Haggerty, Co. F: Killed in Action
at 2nd Bull Run, 8/29/1862
-Michael Kilrain, Co. F: Killed in
Action at 2nd Bull Run, 8/29/1862
-Peter Quinn, Co. F: Supposed to have
been Killed at 2nd Bull Run, 8/29/1862
-Thomas Kelley, Co. H: Killed in Action
at 2nd Bull Run, 8/29/1862
-William Nagle, Co. H: Killed in Action
at 2nd Bull Run, 8/29/1862.
-Samuel Petit, Co. H: Killed in Action
at 2nd Bull Run, 8/29/1862
-Charles F. Leiser, Co. I: Killed in
Action at 2nd Bull Run, 8/29/1862
-Hesgian Link, Co. I: Missing in Action
at 2nd Bull Run; Supposed to have died
-Captain Henry A.M. Filber, Co. K:
Killed in Action at 2nd Bull Run, 8/29/1862
-Sergeant Roland D. Filbert, Co. K:
Killed in Action at 2nd Bull Run, 8/29/1862
-David Boyer, Co. K: Killed in Action at
2nd Bull Run, 8/29/1862
-David D. Dress, Co. K: Killed in Action
at 2nd Bull Run, 8/29/1862
-W. Fenstermacher, Co. K: Killed in
Action at 2nd Bull Run, 8/29/1862
-William Labenberger, Co. K: Killed in
Action at 2nd Bull Run, 8/29/1862
-Daniel Shanley/Stanley, Co. K: Killed
in Action at 2nd Bull Run, 8/29/1862
-James Muldowney, Co. G: Mortally
Wounded 2nd Bull Run, 8/29/1862; Died of Wounds
-William Hopkins, Co. F: Mortally
Wounded at 2nd Bull Run; Died: 8/31/1862 of wounds
-George Ramer, Co. A: Died in
Georgetown, 9/6/1862
-Charles Knerr, Co. H: Died 9/7/1862
-Corporal George Ramer, Co. D: Mortally
Wounded at 2nd Bull Run; Died of Wounds, 9/6/1862
-Sergeant William Bambrick, Co. D:
Mortally Wounded at 2nd Bull Run; Died of Wounds, 9/12/1862
-William Smith, Co. G: Mortally Wounded
2nd Bull Run, 8/29/1862; Died of Wounds, 9/14/1862
-Henry Jenkins, Co. F: Mortally Wounded
at 2nd Bull Run, 8/29/1862; died in Georgetown, DC, 9/15/1862
-Cpl. John Brobst, Co. A: Mortally
Wounded at Antietam, 9/17/1862.
- John Robinson, Co. B: Killed in Action
at Antietam, 9/17/1862
-Alexander Prince, Co. B: Killed in
Action at Antietam, 9/18/1862
-Alva F. Jeffries, Co. D: Killed in
Action at Antietam, 9/17/1862
-1st Lieutenant William Cullen, Co. E:
Killed in Action at Antietam, 9/17/1862
-John Broadbent, Co. E: Killed in Action
at Antietam, 9/17/1862
-Charles Timmons, Co. G: Killed in
Action, Antietam 9/17/1862
-Cpl. Lewis V. Focht, Co. I: Killed in
Action at Antietam, 9/17/1862
-Corporal Daniel Moser, Co. K: Killed in
Action at Antietam, 9/17/1862
-George Dentzer, Co. L: Killed in Action
at Antietam, 9/17/1862
-David Stichter, Co. D: Died in Hospital
at Sharpsburg, MD, 9/21/1862
-James Farrell, Co. E: Mortally Wounded
at 2nd Bull Run; Died: 9/25/1862
-Benjamin Hoffman, Co. I: Wounded at
South Mountain, 9/14/1862; Died of Wounds 9/25/1862;
-John Martin/Morton, Co. E: Died
-John Springer, Co. A: Died: 10/9/1862
from Wounds Received in Action.
-John Sullivan, Co. D: Mortally Wounded
at 2nd Bull Run; Died of Wounds, 10/8/1862
-Cpl. Albert T. Frazier, Co. C: Died
10/14/1862 of Consumption in Alexandria, VA
-Sgt. Benjamin G. Otto, Co. A: Wounded
in Action; Died of Wounds: 10/15/1862
-James Winters, Co. K: Died 10/15/1862
at Fortress Monroe, VA
-Peter Boyer, Co. K: Died in 10/22/1862
in Cressona, PA
-John J. Morrison, Co. F: Mortally
Wounded at 2nd Bull Run; Died 10/23/1862
-Corporal Patrick Handley, Co. K: Died
10/25/1862 in Washington, D.C.
-Joseph Low, Co. C: Died 10/29/1862 in
Alexandria of Wounds Received in Action
-Thomas Major, Co. E: Mortally Wounded
at 2nd Bull Run; Died: 10/31/1862
-Edward Daniels, Co. C: Died 11/1/1862 of
Chronic Diarrhea in Alexandria
-John Farne, Co. G: Mortally Wounded 2nd
Bull Run, 8/29/1862; Died of Wounds 11/8/1862
-Edward McCabe, Co. G: Died of Disease,
Washington, D.C., 11/12/1862
-Peter Burke, Co. K: Died of Typhoid
Fever, 11/14/1862
-Corporal Charles C. Hinkle, Co. H: Died
11/23/1862, at Hatteras, North Carolina
-Corporal Raymond A. Jenkins, Co. H:
Died 12/8/1862 in Ascension Hospital, Washington
-J.W. Heebner/Heevener, Co. D: Died of
chronic diarrhea, 12/9/1862
-Elijah Knight, Co. E: Died in
Annapolis, 12/12/1862
-John Ruff, Co. A: Died in Washington:
-James Williams, Co. A: Killed in Action
at Fredericksburg: 12/13/1862
-Cpl. Joseph B. Carter, Co. A: Mortally
Wounded at Fredericksburg, 12/13/1862.
-Michael Divine, Co. B: Killed in Action
at Fredericksburg, VA, 12/13/1862
-John Williams, Co. B: Killed in Action
at Fredericksburg, VA, 12/13/1862
-William Hill, Co. B: Killed in Action
at Fredericksburg, VA, 12/13/1862
-Cpl. Reuben Robinson, Co. B: Killed in
Action at Fredericksburg, VA, 12/13/1862
-Henry Williamson, Co. D: Killed in
Action at Fredericksburg, 12/13/1862
-Thomas Kinney, Co. D: Killed in Action
at Fredericksburg, 12/13/1862
-Thomas Connell, Co. B: Died of Disease,
-Musician Abraham Wadsworth, Co. B:
Died: 12/18/1862 in Port Carbon, PA
-Henry Burnish, Co. G: Died in
Pottsville, 12/20/1862, of chronic diarrhea
-Cpl. Edward F. Schappell, Co. I:
Wounded at Fredericksburg, 12/13/1862; Died in hospital of wounds, Date -Unknown
1863 (17)
-Corporal John H. Derr, Co. D : Mortally
Wounded at Fredericksburg; Died of Wounds in Washington, 1/2/1863
-George Briggle, Co. A: Died in
Philadelphia: 1/4/1863.
-Nicholas Shitehour, Co. B: Died
1/13/1863 in Washington, D.C. of chronic diarrhea
-James Bergan, Co. E: Mortally Wounded
at 2nd Bull Run; Died: 1/11/1863
-Samuel Brooks, Co. B: Died 1/13/1863
near Falmouth, Virginia
-Levi Fisher, Co. I: In Hospital at
Harpers Ferry, 8/16/1862; Died, 1/21/1863
-George Shertle, Co. D: Died of Disease
2/8/1863 in Washington, D.C.
-Sgt. Arthur P. Hatch, Co. C: 2/13/1863;
Died in Newport News of heart disease
-Jacob H. Rumble, Co. I: Died: 4/14/1863
-Jacob Smith, Co. C: 5/3/1863; Died of
diarrhea in Baltimore, MD
-Andrew Scott, Co. C: 6/27/1863; Killed
in Lexington, KY
-Valentine Raush, Co. G: Drowned 6/11 or
-Corporal Joseph Reed, Co. H: Killed
11/16/1863 at Campbell’s Station, TN.
-Joseph Weise, Co. H: Died in Knoxville,
TN, 11/21/1863
-John Sponslor/Sponsler, Co. H: Killed
11/29/1863 at Knoxville, TN
-Jonas Haldeman, Co. I: Killed in
Action, Knoxville, TN, 11/29/1863
-Cpl. Charles Weaver, Co. I: Died
12/5/1863 in Knoxville, TN, of wounds received 12/3/1863
-Josiah Kramer, Co. I: Died: December
1864 (157)
-Thomas J. Thomas, Co. F: Died of
Typhoid Fever, 1/22/1864
-Patrick Brown, Co. F: Killed in a
railroad accident, 1/24/1864, Paris, Kentucky
-George Livingston, Co. A: Captured;
Died in Libby Prison, Richmond, VA, 2/4/1864
-James Shields, Co. E: Murdered in
Silver Creek, 2/26/1864
-James W. Evans, Co. F: Died in
Hospital, 3/2/1864
-John Burnhart, Co. B: Died 3/8/1864;
Buried in Knoxville, Tennessee
-Isaac Arndt, Co. I: Wounded Severely in
hip; left on field at Campbell's Station; and Missing in Action, 11/16/1863;
Captured, Held Prisoner of War at Andersonville; Not on Muster Out Roll; PA
Civil War Service Cards Lists Him As Having Died 3/16/1863 (1864?) at Canard
Station, Tennessee.
- John Dietrich, Co. D: Died 3/22/1864
-Michael Wilson, Co. F: Died of
"nostalgia, or home-sickness," or of chronic diarrhea, 3/24/1864, at
Annapolis, MD.
-William Phillips, Co. G: Died 3/26/1864
in Pottsville
-Reuben Watt, Co. I: Died March 31,
1864, Annapolis, MD
-Thomas S. Lewis, Co. H: Died 3/31/1864
at Philadelphia
-Charles Clark, Co. G: Died: 4/6/1864 in
Annapolis, Maryland
-William H. Smith, Co. D: Died in Annapolis,
-Peter Litchfield, Co. F: Died 4/9/1864,
Annapolis, Maryland
-Peter Zimmerman, Co. A: Died: 4/11/1864
in Annapolis, Maryland.
-John Donnelly, Co. H: Died 4/20/1864 at
Annapolis, Maryland
-Edward Edwards, Co. H: Died of
sunstroke, 4/23/1864 at Annapolis, Maryland
-Lewis J. Garber, Co. I: Died 4/23/1864,
Annapolis, Maryland
-Valentine Frantz, Co. E: Committed
Suicide, 4/28/1864
-Charles DeLong, Co. H: Died 5/4/1864 at
Bristoe Station
-Jno. Burke, Co. E: Killed in Action at
the Wilderness, 5/5/1864
-Lawrence Farrell, Co. E: Killed in
Action at the Wilderness, 5/6/1864
-Jonathan Kauffman, Co. D: Killed in
Action at the Wilderness, 5/6/1864
-David F. Thiel, Co. F: Killed in Action
at the Wilderness, 5/6/1864
-Simon Moyer, Co. B: Killed in Action at
the Wilderness, 5/7/1864
-Israel Manning, Co. F: Wounded at the
Wilderness, 5/6/1864; Died of Wounds 5/8/1864
-Jno. T. Huntzinger, Co. A: Killed in
Action at Spotsylvania: 5/12/1864
-Isaac Otto, Co. A: Killed in Action at
Spotsylvania, 5/12/1864.
-Lewis M. Robinhold, Co. A: Killed in
Action at Spotsylvania: 5/12/1864
-Charles A.T. St. Clair, Co. A: Killed
in Action at Spotsylvania: 5/12/1864
-John Deitz, Co. B: Killed in Action at
Spotsylvania, 5/12/1864
-Frederick Knittle, Co. B: Killed in
Action at Spotsylvania, 5/12/1864
-Matthew Hume, Co. B: Killed in Action
at Spotsylvania, 5/12/1864
-Cpl. David J. Davis, Co. B: Killed in
Action at Spotsylvania, 5/12/1864
-Daniel Wary, Co. B: Killed in Action at
Spotsylvania, 5/12/1864
-Laurentus C. Moyer, Co. B: Killed in
Action at Spotsylvania, 5/12/1864
-John Morrissey, Co. F: Killed in Action
at Spotsylvania, 5/12/1864
-Richard Williams, Co. F: Killed in
Action at Spotsylvania, 5/12/1864
-Lewis Woods, Co. F: Killed in Action at
Spotsylvania, 5/12/1864
-Jno. Powell, Co. F: Mortally Wounded at
Spotsylvania, 5/12/1864; Died of Wounds
-James Brennan, Co. F: Died of wounds
received at Spotsylvania; Date Unknown
-2nd Lt. Henry C. Jackson, Co. G: Killed
in Action Spotsylvania, 5/12/1864
-William Williams, Co. G: Killed in
Action Spotsylvania, 5/12/1864
-Henry J. Ege, Co. I: Killed in Action,
5/12/1864, Spotsylvania, Virginia
-Jno. W. Henn, Co. K: Killed in Action
at Spotsylvania, 5/12/1864
-Daniel Brown, Co. C: 5/12/1864; Killed
in Action at Spotsylvania
-Michael Mohan, Co. C: 5/20/1864; Died
in Washington of wounds received at Spotsylvania
-Sgt. William Kissinger, Co. B: Wounded
at Spotsylvania, 5/12/1864; Died of Wounds, 5/24/1864
-Joseph Chester, Co. H: Wounded:
5/15/1864; Died: 5/24/1864 of wounds received in battle
-Frederick Henry, Co. I: Wounded in
Action, 5/25/1864; Supposed to have died from wounds in ambulance and buried by
the wayside
-Corporal Charles Norrigan/Norrigang,
Co. H: Killed in Action at North Anna Crossing, 5/26/1864
-Patrick Doolin, Co. F: Killed in Action
at Bethesda Church, 5/30/1864
-Henry McCann, Co. F: Killed in Action
at Armstrong Farm, 5/31/1864
-Lieutenant Samuel B. Laubenstein, Co. H:
Killed at Shady Grove Church, 5/31/1864
-James Spencer, Co. G: Mortally Wounded
Spotsylvania, 5/12/1864; Died of Wounds 5/31/1864
-John Cochran, Co. A: Died: 6/1864 near
Cold Harbor, VA.
-David Williams, Co. E: Killed in Action
at Cold Harbor, 6/3/1864
-James Bradley, Co. F: Killed in Action
at Cold Harbor, 6/3/1864
-Edward G. Pugh, Co. F: Killed in Action
at Cold Harbor , 6/3/1864
-William Smith, Co. F: Killed in Action
at Cold Harbor, 6/3/1864
-Cpl. Alexander Govan, Co. G: Killed in
Action Cold Harbor, 6/3/1864
-James Allison, Co. G: Killed in Action
Cold Harbor, 6/3/1864
-Joseph Alexander, Co. H: Killed in
Action at Cold Harbor, 6/3/1864
-George Dresh, Co. I: Killed in Action,
6/3/1864, Cold Harbor
-William J. Price, Co. I: Killed at Cold
Harbor, 6/3/1864
-Benjamin B. Kershner, Co. I: Killed in
Action at Cold Harbor, 6/3/1864
-Jacob Lauby/Landy, Co. K: Killed in
Action at Cold Harbor, 6/3/1864
-Daniel Reedy, Co. E: Mortally Wounded
at Cold Harbor; Died: 6/6/1864
-John Clark, Co. I: Wounded Cold Harbor,
6/3/1864; Died of Wounds 6/8/1864
-Major Joseph A. Gilmour: Mortally
Wounded in Action, 5/31/1864; Died of Wounds 6/9/1864
-Anthony Wade, Co. E: Mortally Wounded
at Cold Harbor; Died: 6/9/1864
-Christian Lauer, Co. B: Died 6/10/1864,
of wounds received in action
-Samuel Heckman, Co. B: Died 6/12/1864,
of wounds received in action
-George Airgood, Co. A: Wounded at
Petersburg; Died of Wounds
-Simon Snyder, Co. A: Died: 6/16/1864 of
Wounds Received in Action
-Simon Devlin, Co. F: Killed in Action
at Petersburg, 6/16/1864
-Nathan Rich, Co. K: Killed in Action at
Petersburg, 6/16/1864
-Andrew Wesner, Co. F: Died 6/17/1864
-George Betz, Co. A: Mortally Wounded at
Petersburg, 6/17/1864
-John Major, Co. E: Killed at
Petersburg, 6/17/1864
-Isaac Lewis, Co. F: Killed in Action at
Petersburg 6/17/1864
-Horace Straub, Co. F: Killed in Action
at Petersburg, 6/17/1864
-Anthony Gallagher, Co. H: Killed in
Action at Petersburg, 6/17/1864
-Jeff. W. Beyerley, Co. H: Killed in
Action at Petersburg, 6/17/1864
-George W. Morey, Co. H: Killed in
Action at Petersburg, 6/17/1864
-James Mulholland, Co. H: Killed in
Action at Petersburg, 6/17/1864
-Arthur Gray, Co. K: Killed in Action at
Petersburg, 6/18/1864
-Thomas Davis, Co. H: Killed in Action
at Petersburg, 6/18/1864
-Ephraim Whetstone, Co. K: Died June
1864 from wounds received in action
-Daniel Okum, Co. D: Killed in Action at
Petersburg, 6/21/1864
-Lewis Hessinger, Co. A: Killed in
Action at Petersburg, 6/22/1864
-William Evans, Co. E: Died of Chronic
Diarrhea, 6/22/1864
-Jeremiah Willoner/Willouer, Co. I:
Wounded, severely, Cold Harbor, 6/3/1864; Died of Wounds 6/22/1864
-James Boner, Co. I: Wounded 5/30/1864;
Died of Wounds 6/22/1864
-Abraham Gecker, Co. C: 6/23/1864;
Killed in Action at Petersburg
-John Whitaker, Co. C: 6/23/1864; Killed
in Action at Petersburg
-1st Lt. Curtis C. Pollock, Co. G: Mortally
Wounded Petersburg 6/17/1864; Died of wounds: 6/23/1864
-William Reysons/Rasons, Co. E: Mortally
Wounded at Petersburg, 6/17/1864; Died: 6/24/1864
-William Schwartz, Co. B: Died 6/26/1864
-Daniel J. Kehl, Co. I: Died June 26,
1864, City Point, VA
-William Simpson, Co. G: Killed in
Action Petersburg 6/26/1864
-Lt. William H. Hume, Co. B: Mortally
Wounded in Action, 5/31/1864 at Totopotomy Creek, VA; Died of -Wounds,
-James Reagan, Co. E: Mortally Wounded
at Petersburg, 6/17/1864; Died: 6/30/1864
-Jonas Z. Raber, Co. D: Died 7/1/1864 in
Washington, D.C.
-John Armstrong, Co. G: Mortally Wounded
Spotsylvania, 5/12/1864; Died of Wounds 7/1/1864
-1st Lt. Joseph Edwards, Co. I: Wounded
at Petersburg, 6/17/1864; Died of Wounds 7/2/1864
-Job Hirst, Co. H: Wounded at Cold
Harbor, 6/3/1864; Died 7/3/1864 of wounds received in action
-David Houser, Co. A: Died: 7/4/1864
-Henry Dorward, Co. D: Killed in Action
near Petersburg, 7/5/1864
-Nelson Simon, Co. A: Died in
Minersville: 7/5/1864.
-James McElrath, Co. C: 7/7/1864; Died
from chronic diarrhea in Andersonville Prison
-Sgt. Thomas Tosh, Co. E: Mortally
Wounded at Cold Harbor; Died of Wounds: 7/7/1864
-Francis M. Stidham, Co. A: Died
7/10/1864 of Wounds Received in Action
-J. Howard Jones, Co. G: Mortally
Wounded Petersburg, 6/17/1864; Died of Wounds: 7/13/1864
-Isaac Bannon/Brannan, Co. H: Killed
7/16/1864 in US General Hospital at Alexandria, VA.
-Charles Quinn, Co. E: Mortally Wounded
at Petersburg, 6/17/1864; Died: 7/24/1864
-Lewis Beableheimer, Co. I : Wounded at
Petersburg 7/24/1864; Died of Wounds, 7/26/1864
-Captain Benjamin B. Schuck, Co. I:
Wounded at Petersburg, 6/25/1864; Died of Wounds, 7/27/1864;
-Lieutenant David B. Brown, Co. H:
Killed at Petersburg, 8/5/1864
-Elias Zimmerman, Co. D: Died in Fairfax
Seminary Hospital, 8/5/1864
-Isaac K. Beltz, Co. I: Wounded Cold
Harbor 6/3/1864; Died of Wounds 8/10/1864
-Solomon Eyster, Co. D: Died 8/15/1864
in Philadelphia
-Edward Sweeney, Co. C: 8/17/1864; Died
in Mount Douglass General Hospital
-Frank Boyer, Co. E: Captured at Cold
Harbor; Died at Andersonville Prison, 8/17/1864
-Frank Queeny, Co. F: Died of Dropsy,
-Richard Lee, Co. A: Died in Pottsville,
-Edward Gallagher, Co. A: Captured; Died
in Andersonville Prison, 8/21/1864 from diarrhea
-Daniel Neyer, Co. I: Died at City
Point, Virginia, 8/22/1864
-William Davis, Co. H: Wounded at Cold
Harbor, VA, 6/3/1864; Died of Wounds: 9/5/1864
-Henry Reb, Co. H: Died of Paralysis
9/5/1864 on David's Island, New York
-Isaac Fetterman/Fetter, Co. H:
Captured; Died in Andersonville Prison, 9/8/1864, from diarrhea
-George Lawrence, Co. G: Died 9/11/1864
at Port Carbon, PA
-William Engle, Co. B: Died at Willet's
Point, New York, 9/11 or 12/1864
-William Schneider, Co. H: Died
9/12/1864, of wounds received in action
-Daniel Root, Co. B: Died in
Andersonville Prison, 9/14/1864, from diarrhea
-Patrick Farrell, Co. C: 9/21/1864; Died
in Washington
-John Darragh, Co. E: Killed in Action
at Poplar Grove/Peebles’s Farm, 9/30/1864
-James Heiser, Co. I: Killed in Action,
9/30/1864, Pegram's Farm/Poplar Springs Church
-Lewis W. Kopp, Co. H: Died of Phthsis
Pulmonalis 10/1/1864
-Joseph Cobus, Co. I: Wounded and
Captured Pegram's Farm, 9/30/1864; Died of Wounds, 10/4/1864
-Daniel Boyer, Co. E: Killed at
Petersburg, 10/5/1864
-Daniel M. Bankes, Co. B: Died at
Annapolis, MD, 10/6/1864
-Jno. Lloyd, Co. H: Wounded 8/9/1864;
Died 10/25/1864 at his home in Schuylkill County.
-David Miller, Co. F: Wounded at
Pegram's Farm; Died in Annapolis, 11/6/1864
-David Miller, Co. D: Died in Annapolis,
-Jacob Hammer, Co. B: Died in Salisbury
Prison, NC, 11/12/1864
-Edward McGinnis, Co. E: Captured at
Peebles’s Farm; Died in Salisbury Prison, 11/17/1864
-Patrick Crowe, Co. I: Captured Pegram's
Farm, 9/30/1864; Died in Salisbury Prison, N.C., 11/19/1864
-Lewis Douglass, Co. I: Died: 11/22/1864
-Philip Heffron, Co. H: Captured at
Pegram's Farm, 9/30/1864; Died of starvation in Salisbury Prison, 11/25/1864
-Michael Condron, Co. C: 11/29/1864;
Died in Salisbury Prison, NC
-Emmanuel Fox, Co. H: Died 12/5/1864 at
Baptist Church Hospital, Alexandria, VA.
-George Hartz, Co. D: Died of Wounds
Received in Action at Petersburg, 12/20/1864
-Corporal John F. Dentzer, Co. K: Killed
at Petersburg, 12/28/1864
-Robert Devine, Co. E: Died of Chronic
Diarrhea, 12/28/1864
-Elijah DeFrehn, Co. F: Captured at
Pegram's Farm, 9/30/1864; Died 12/30/1864 in Salisbury Prison, North Carolina
1865 (41)
-Jacob Wigner/Wagner, Co. B: Died
-Cpl. William Livingston, Co. C:
1/2/1865; KIA at Fort Sedgwick
-Abraham Sigmund, Co. E: Killed at
Petersburg, 1/7/1865
-William D. Lloyd, Co. H: Died 1/10/1865
at Lincoln Hospital, Washington, D.C.
-Andrew Neeley, Co. C: 1/12/1865; Died
in Washington of chronic diarrhea
-Samuel Schollenberger, Co. A: Captured;
Died in Salisbury Prison, Salisbury, North Carolina: 1/16/1865.
-Joseph Finley/Findley, Co. F: Captured
at Pegram's Farm, 9/30/1864; Died in Salisbury Prison, 1/22/1865
-Michael Welsh, Co. F: Captured
9/30/1864 at Pegram's Farm; Died in Salisbury Prison, 2/6/1865
-Charles Aurand, Co. H: Died: 2/9/1865
-William Fulton, Co. F: Captured at
Pegram's Farm, 9/30/1864; Died in Salisbury Prison, 2/12/1865
-Corporal Philip Beckman, Co. D: Died in
Baltimore of chronic diarrhea, 2/9/1865
-Charles Dintinger, Co. C: 2/11/1865;
Died in Salisbury Prison, 11/1864
-George T. Eisenhuth, Co. H: Died of
Chronic Diarrhea 2/17/1865
-Nicholas Delaney, Co. K: Killed at
Petersburg, 2/23/1865
-Nicholas Gross: Died of Chronic
Diarrhea, 3/12/1865, Annapolis, Maryland
-Cpl. Patrick Rogers, Co. E: Died of
Disease, 3/25/1865
-1st Lieutenant Henry Graeff, Co. D:
Died in Pottsville, 3/26/1865, of Disease Contracted in Confederate Prisons.
-Gilbert Graham, Co. C: 4/1/1865; Died
of Wounds
-William Jenkins, Co. F: Died: 4/1/1865
-Sgt. John Homer, Co. B: Died, 4/2/1865,
of wounds received in action on 4/1/1865
-Colonel George W. Gowen: Killed in
Action at Petersburg, 4/2/1865.
-John Coutts, Co. B: Killed in Action at
Petersburg, 4/2/1865
-Daniel D. Barnett, Co. E: Killed in
Action at Petersburg, 4/2/1865
-David McElvie, Co. F: Killed in Action
at Petersburg, 4/2/1865
-William Donnelly, Co. H: Killed in
Action at Petersburg, 4/2/1865
-James King, Co. H: Killed in Action at
Petersburg, 4/2/1865
-George Uhl, Co. H: Killed in Action at
Petersburg, 4/2/1865
-Albert Mack, Co. I: Killed at
Petersburg, 4/2/1865
-Jacob Reichwein, Co. I :Killed at
Petersburg, 4/2/1865
-Albert Zimmerman, Co. I: Killed in Action
at Petersburg, 4/2/1865
-Wesley Boyer, Co. I: Killed in Action
at Petersburg, 4/2/1865.
-Simon Hoffman, Co. K: Killed in Action
at Petersburg, 4/2/1865
-Lewis Sterner, Co. A: Died: 4/11/1865;
Buried: Odd Fellows’ Cemetery, Tamaqua, PA
-Aaron P. Wagner, Co. D: Mortally
Wounded at Petersburg, 4/2/1865; Died of Wounds 4/15/1865 in Washington, D.C.
-Nicholas C. Stephens, Co. B: Died
4/20/1865, of wounds received at Petersburg 4/2/1865
-Cpl. James Nicholson, Co. C: Died:
4/24/1865 of Wounds Received at Petersburg, 4/2/1865
-James Mercer, Co. E: Mortally Wounded at
Petersburg, 6/17/1864; Died: 5/21/1865
-John Frehn, Co. B: Died in
Philadelphia, 6/8/1865; Veteran
-Jonathan Dress, Co. K: Died 7/5/1865 in
Philadelphia, PA
-Corporal Walter P. Aims/Amos, Co. D: Died
7/12/1865 from the effects of starvation and brutality while in Confederate
-Charles F. Hesser, Co. D: Died
7/25/1865 in Washington, D.C.
Unknown (7)
-William Moose, Co. E: Wounded at 2nd
Bull Run; Died at Home, Date Unknown
-Henry Simpson, Co. A: Killed in Battle.
-Sgt. Stafford Johnson, Co. E: Died at
Home, Date Unknown
-William Atkins, Co. B: Died at home,
while on furlough; Date Unknown
-Cpl. James Brennan, Co. E: Captured at Knoxville, Died at Andersonville
Prison, Date Unknown
-William H. Kohler, Co. F: Captured at Pegram's Farm, 9/30/1864; Died in
Salisbury Prison
- Joshua Reed,
Co. G: Captured 9/30/1864 at Pegram's Farm; Held in Salisbury Prison; Died at
home from effects of prison confinement.
Gallery of the Dead
Lt. Henry Clay Jackson
Killed in Action at Spotsylvania May 1864
(Courtesy of Ronn Palm and the Museum of Civil War Images)
Corporal Charles Norrigan
Killed in Action at the North Anna River, Virginia
May 1864
(Courtesy of Ronn Palm and the Museum of Civil War Images)
Major Joseph Gilmour
Died June 1864 of Wounds
(Hoptak Collection)
James Allison
Killed at Cold Harbor
One of Four Brothers to Die in War
(Schuylkill County in the Civil War)
George Betz
Mortally Wounded at Petersburg, June 1864
(Hoptak Collection)
Lt. David Brown
Killed at Petersburg August 1865
Michael Condron
Died in Salisbury Prison, November 1864
(Hoptak Collection) |
George Dentzer
Killed at Antietam
(Courtesy of the Dentzer Family) |
John Dentzer
Killed at Petersburg, December 1864
(Courtesy of the Dentzer Family) |
Lt. Joseph Edwards
Killed at Petersburg, June 1864
(Hoptak Collection) |
Henry Ege
Killed at Spotsylvania
(Courtesy of the Family) |
Alexander Govan
Killed at Cold Harbor
(Gould) |
Colonel George Gowen
Killed at Petersburg, April 1865
(Gould) |
Lt. William Hume
Died June 1864 of Wounds
(Hoptak Collection) |
Lt. Samuel Laubenstein
Killed May 1864
(Ms. Ardith Kull/
Captain Benjamin B. Schuck
Mortally Wounded August 1864
(Patriotic Order Sons of America)
Simon Snyder
Died June 1864 of Wounds
(Hoptak Collection)
Charles A.T. St. Clair
Killed at Spotsylvania
(Hoptak Collection)
Francis Stidham
Died June 1864 of Wounds
(Hoptak Collection)
George Hartz
Killed at Petersburg
December 1864
(Patriotic Order Sons of America)
Lt. Curtis C. Pollock
Mortally Wounded at Petersburg, June 1864
(Courtesy of Ronn Palm and the Museum of Civil War Images)