General James Nagle Pictured Holding the Sword Presented Upon His Return Home from the Mexican War in 1848 (Library of Congress) |
years ago. . .sometime around 4:00 o’clock on the morning of Wednesday, August
22, 1866 in his home in Pottsville, Pennsylvania, and surrounded by his family, General James Nagle died.
His name—and,
indeed, his story—is not readily recognizable today, even among the more
devoted students of the American Civil War.
But it
should be.
Nagle was the quintessential citizen-turned-soldier of America's past who
responded repeatedly to his country’s call. He was a house and sign painter and
wallpaper hanger by profession, and a family man who served on both the borough
council and on the local school board. In times of war, though, James Nagle
demonstrated fine leadership and total devotion to the United States and its
cause. In 1840, at just eighteen years of age, he raised and organized a
militia company dubbed the Pottsville Blues, which in 1842 became the Washington
Artillery, and which, in 1846, marched off to war in Mexico, with a young
Captain James Nagle at its helm. During the four years of America’s Civil War,
Nagle helped to raise, organize, and recruit no fewer than four regiments of
Pennsylvania volunteer infantry, including the famed 48th
Pennsylvania which he led from the summer of 1861 until his promotion to
brigade command in the spring of 1862. Promoted in rank to Brigadier General,
Nagle seemed destined for higher and greater command but worsening health and
particularly heart disease necessitated his resignation from the service in May
1863. Nevertheless, upon his return to home and family in Pottsville, Nagle
raised and led a regiment of Emergency Militia during Lee’s invasion of
Pennsylvania, and the following summer recruited yet another unit—the 100-Days’
194th Pennsylvania Volunteers. Mustered out of service for the final
time in November 1864, Nagle looked forward to happy, quiet, and peaceful days
and to spending time with his wife, Elizabeth, and their six children. Another
child, a daughter named Kate, would arrive in September 1865. Sadly, though, he
did not have much time remaining. His health continued to deteriorate with his
heart disease becoming increasingly worse as the months passed by. When he at
last succumbed 150 years ago today, this man—this loving and devoted father,
leading and estimable member of the community, wartime hero and dedicated
soldier—was just forty-four years of age.
Word of
his death spread quickly through Pottsville and a palpable sadness fell
upon the town. Flags were lowered, businesses closed. Soon official news of the
General’s death was reported in the Miners’
Journal: “Sincere sorrow
pervaded this community. . .when the fact of Gen. Nagle’s death became known,”
recorded the Journal, “The sad event
was not unexpected, for he had suffered for years from disease of the heart and
liver, and during the past few weeks it was evident to his friends that he was
succumbing to the attacks of adversaries too powerful for medicine to combat
successfully. He died on Wednesday morning at 4 o’clock at his residence in
this Borough. A brave soldier of two wars; a good citizen; an estimable man,
has passed away. While the memory of his worth will remain green in the
memories of this community in which so many years of his useful life were
spent, his name will be inscribed with honor on the pages of his country’s
Inscribed with honor,
perhaps, but with the passage of 150 years the story of James Nagle and his
service has certainly faded. And though he remains immortalized in bronze atop
a monument at Antietam National Battlefield, James Nagle ranks today among the
relatively unknown generals of the Civil War.
This is unfortunate.
His story needs to be told and his service remembered. And today, 150 years
after his death, seems a more than fitting and appropriate day to do so.
Although he would make
his home and find his final resting place in Pottsville, Pennsylvania, James
Nagle was actually born in Reading, PA, on April 5, 1822, the first of
eventually eight children born to and raised by Daniel and Mary (Rorig) Nagle.
His ancestry in the United States can be traced back to the 1730s when his
forebears arrived in Pennsylvania from Germany. James’s grandfather, Philip
Nagle, had served in the Revolutionary War as a drummer with the 1st
Pennsylvania Continental Line. The Nagle family moved around from point to
point early in James’s life—to Wommelsdorf and thence to Pine Grove and finally
by 1835 to Pottsville, the seat of government for Schuylkill County. As a young
man, James learned the trade of his father, a cabinet maker, and also learned
the trades of wallpaper hanger and housepainter. Young James Nagle also
attended some years in public schools, though as an early biographical portrait
described, much of his education was through the “school of experience and
through continued self-effort,” going to school at night and working during the
day. From an early age, James showed a strong interest in the military and, in
1840 and at just eighteen years of age, he organized a company of young
Pottsville boys into a militia unit initially known as the Pottsville Blues,
but which, two years later became the Washington Artillery. With the outbreak
of war with Mexico, Nagle, now twenty-four, tendered the services of his
company and on December 5, 1846, marched off to war. The Washington Artillery
became Company B, 1st Regiment of Pennsylvania Infantry and Nagle
mustered into service as its captain. Nagle and his company, forming part of
General Winfield Scott’s force, took part in the siege of Vera Cruz, and at the
battles of Cerro Gordo, Lahoya, Huamantla, Puebla, and Atlixco. Upon the
signing of the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo, Nagle returned with his company to
a hero’s ovation to Pottsville in the summer of 1848. In recognition of his
service, the people of Pottsville presented Nagle with a beautiful sword, which
was one of his most treasured possessions. He carried it even during the Civil
War and, today, a bronze copy of that Mexican War presentation sword can be
seen attached to the Nagle statue at Antietam.
Captain James Nagle ca. 1848-1850 (Schuylkill County in the Civil War) |
In 1852, James Nagle
was elected Sheriff of Schuylkill County. He continued to remain active in the
state militia system and soon was appointed Brigade Inspector of Pennsylvania,
with the rank of Colonel. By his early thirties, James Nagle had become a
leading and very much respected member of his community. He was also a devoted
husband and loving father. On December 15, 1842, James married Elizabeth
Kaercher and to their union nine children would be born, seven of whom lived to
maturity. While in Mexico, James had also adopted an orphaned eight-year-old
boy named Emerguildo Marquis, with whom he returned and raised in his household
as one of his own. During his younger days, Nagle voted Whig but then became a
Republican. He supported Lincoln and was opposed to slavery and its expansion.
With his experience in
the state militia and his experience leading soldiers in combat, it was only
natural that Governor Andrew Curtin would call upon Nagle soon after the
commencement of the Civil War. Nagle traveled to Harrisburg and helped to
organize and train the many companies of volunteer soldiers pouring daily into
the capital city. Curtin then commissioned Nagle colonel of the 6th
Pennsylvania Infantry, a three-month unit that was raised primarily from
Schuylkill and Carbon Counties. The 6th formed part of General
George Thomas’s Brigade in General Robert Patterson’s Army of the Shenandoah.
The regiment saw only limited action and by late July, their three-month term
of service having expired, its soldiers were on their way back home. Nagle made
a very favorable impression upon this command and particularly its officers.
Indeed, in October 1861, the members of the 6th presented their
former commander with a specially inscribed field glass, which, when delivered
to Nagle was accompanied by a letter that spoke volumes to Nagle’s leadership
and character:
Col. James Nagle,
Dear Sir:- A number of your friends, officers, and privates of the late
Sixth Regiment, P.V., commanded by you during the time it was in service,
desire to present the accompanying field-glass, for your acceptance, in token
of our high personal esteem, and the exalted opinion we entertain of your
military knowledge and capacity.
Though your characteristic modesty may shrink from any public eulogy of
your conduct and services, our gratitude and admiration will not permit us to
pass them by, without this tribute of affection and respect.
For many years past the military spirit and organization of Schuylkill
County have been chiefly sustained by your exertions. When the Nation’s honor
was to be maintained on the plains of Mexico, you with a well disciplined corps
under your command, sprang to arms and hastened to the field of conflict; in
Cerro Gordo’s terrific fight you stood calm and unmoved amid the leaden storm
of death which fell on every side, and by your presence of mind and courage
saved many gallant men from the fearful carnage.
During the long season of peace which followed the closing of that war,
in your own quiet and happy home, you faithfully discharged the duties of a
husband, father, and citizen, endearing yourself both to your family and the
community in which you dwelt.
But now the tocsin of war sounds through the land, and her valiant sons
are called to defend her against foul rebellion’s deadly blows. Speedily a
regiment of your fellow citizens take the field, and confer upon you the
command. During the three months we served together, though inflexibly firm and
persistently industrious in the performance and requirement of every camp and
field duty, yet such was the kindness of your demeanor, and your tender regard
for the health, safety, and comfort of your men, that we regarded you rather as
a friend and father, than a mere military commander.
And now, that you have, at the head of a Schuylkill County
Regiment—Pennsylvania’s 48th—again taken the field at your country’s call and
may soon be in the thickest of the most eventful battle the world has ever
witnessed, on the issue of which the destiny of human freedom and progress is
suspended, we present you with the accompanying glass, as well in token of our
esteem and admiration, as that your eye which never dimmed with fear as it
gazed upon a foe, may more readily perceive his approach and prepare for
Praying that God of Battles may preserve you in the midst of danger, and
return you unharmed to your family and friends, when our glorious Union shall
be firmly re-established, and covered with still more illustrious renown,
We remain, yours truly,
Capt. C. Tower,
Lt.Col. Jas. J. Seibert,
Maj. John E. Wynkoop,
Capt.H.J. Hendler,
Lieut. Theo. Miller,
Lieut. D.P. Brown,
And many others.
Nagle was no doubt touched by this kind and
generous tribute and gift, but by the time he received it, he was once more in
the field and in command of a new regiment, one he had raised almost entirely
from Schuylkill County: the 48th Pennsylvania Volunteers. After
being discharged as commander of the 6th Pennsylvania, Nagle was
immediately commissioned by Governor Curtin to raise another regiment of
volunteers, this one to serve for three years or the course of the war,
whichever would come first. The regiment was raised during the months of August
and September 1861 and after being formally mustered into service departed for
the seat of war, being assigned first to Fortress Monroe and then to Hatteras
Inlet, North Carolina. While in North Carolina in the spring of 1862, the 48th
Pennsylvania was attached to Ambrose Burnside’s Coastal Expedition, which, in
time, became the 9th Army Corps. When Burnside organized his forces,
he made Major General Jesse Reno a divisional commander and Nagle a brigade
commander in Reno’s division. Nagle would subsequently lead this brigade with
great bravery and distinction at 2nd Manassas, South Mountain,
Antietam, and Fredericksburg, taking a prominent part in each of these
engagements. At 2nd Manassas, Nagle’s Brigade pierced Stonewall
Jackson’s Confederate line along an unfinished railroad cut; at South Mountain
his men helped to secure Fox’s Gap; three days later his brigade took a leading
part in the attacks upon the Burnside Bridge at Antietam; while at Fredericksburg,
Nagle led his brigade in an oftentimes forgotten assault upon Marye’s Heights.
All the while Nagle continually showed himself a gifted, capable leader and brave
soldier. He had been promoted to the rank of brigadier general in September
1862 upon the recommendation of Reno who, on September 7 and just one week
before his death at South Mountain, wrote to Lincoln:
General James Nagle (National Archives} |
To His Excellency, the
President of the United States:
Sir:-I have the honor to recommend Col. James Nagle, 48th Regt. Pa.
Vols., for promotion as Brigadier General. Col. Nagle has served with me with
fidelity and ability as commander of a Brigade, since the Battle of Newbern,
and in recent battles conducted himself with gallantry, and led his command
with judgment and discretion.
I have the honor to be
Very Respectfully, Your obd’t servant,
J.L. Reno
Major-General com’dg
Throughout the fall of 1862 and during the early
winter of 1863, Nagle several times assumed the temporary command of the
division and it seemed as though advancement in rank and in command would have
been his had it not been for his poor and failing health. During the winter of
1863, Nagle began to suffer from chest pains. He sought out doctors who
informed him he was afflicted with angina pectoris and who urged him to resign
and return home for better chances of recovery. Nagle remained in the army for several
more months before the pain became too great and he, at last, took the doctors’
advice and reluctantly and tearfully bid farewell to his command and to the
army. He resigned in May 1863. Division commander Samuel Sturgis expressed his
regret at accepting the resignation of one so capable and responded by penning
the following note:
Head-Quarters, 2nd
Div., 9th Army Corps
Dear General:
I cannot better express the pain it gave me to forward your resignation,
then by giving you a copy of my endorsement upon it, viz: ‘Respectfully
forwarded and approved. But I must express my deep regret at the necessity for
this forwarding it. By his intelligence, energy, zeal and courage, and quiet,
unassuming deportment, withal, Gen. Nagle has endeared himself to this command,
and will carry with him the love and respect not only of those gallant troops
he had led so often to victory, but of all who have the good fortune to know
S.D. Sturgis
Brig. Gen., com’dg
After what must have been seemed a long journey
back home, Nagle was no doubt pleased to be back with his wife and family once
more but, shortly after his return to Pottsville, General Robert E. Lee led his
Army of Northern Virginia into Pennsylvania. In response to Curtin’s plea for
action, Nagle once more answered the call. For the third time he would take
command of a regiment of Pennsylvania Infantry, this time the 39th
Pennsylvania Emergency Militia, being mustered into service once more as a
colonel. Arriving in Harrisburg, Major General Darius Couch placed Nagle in
brigade command but by then Lee had been turned back at Gettysburg and the 39th
P.V.M. was mustered out and disbanded. Again, Nagle returned home and was
encouraged by his doctors’ assessments that his health was improving. He felt
well enough that in the summer of 1864 when the call went out seeking soldiers
to serve a 100-Day term of service, he once more answered and took command of
the 194th Pennsylvania Infantry. For the fourth time in three years,
then, Nagle was commissioned colonel by Governor Curtin. Nagle led the 194th
to Baltimore where they were assigned to the 8th Army Corps. There,
Nagle was given command of the forces then occupying Mankin’s Woods, and helped to guard the
approaches to the city. On November 5, 1864, the 100 days having expired, James
Nagle was mustered out of service, this time for the last time.
Few other soldiers, and certainly few other
citizen-soldiers, did more for the United States than did James Nagle during
the Civil War. Throughout his time in uniform, he had helped to raise and
subsequently commander four regiments of infantry and several times held
brigade command. In Mexico, he was a captain; during the Civil War, he was both
a colonel and a brigadier general. And though he had no formal military
training or education, James Nagle proved himself quite the capable leader and
commander. He served his country well. . .and often. He also served his
community well, not only as sheriff in the early 1850s but also as head of the
Pottsville Borough Council and as a member of the local school board. Sadly,
Nagle did not get to enjoy peace for long, once the Civil War was over. Indeed,
it was not until August 20, 1866, that President Andrew Johnson declared all
hostilities had ceased and the conflict officially concluded. Two days later,
on his bed in Pottsville, surrounded by his wife Elizabeth and seven
children—the eldest, Emma, aged 23 years and the youngest Kate, aged 11 months—General
James Nagle drew his last breath and passed away at the much-too-young age of
It was not a long life that he thus led but it was
a full one, a useful one, and important one. Three days after his death,
General James Nagle was laid to rest in Pottsville’s Presbyterian Cemetery.
Thousands gathered to pay their respects and his funeral was covered in the
pages of the Miners’ Journal:
The remains of Gen. Nagle were interred
in the Presbyterian Cemetery on Saturday afternoon last [August 25] with military
During the morning the Ringgold Band of Reading, which had volunteered to play
on the occasion, the Ashland Veterans, Capt. McLaughlin, and the Cumbola Nagle
Guards reached the borough to attend the funeral. At noon Capt. Binder of
Philadelphia, a companion-in-arms of Gen. Nagle in the Mexican War, having been
in the same Regiment, Gen. Albright of Carbon County, and Major Bertolette of
Reading, also arrived to assist in playing the last sad honors to the remains
of the dead soldier.
The body was viewed by hundreds before the hour of moving from the late
residence of the deceased General. The corpse was attired in citizens’ dress,
and rested in a coffin furnished by Mr. John Kalbach, Centre Street opposite
the Union Hotel. It was made of walnut covered with black cloth, and the
ornamentation was faultless, reflecting great credit on the taste of the maker.
A silver plate on the lid bore the General’s name and age. The entire
workmanship was the subject of much and just commendation. When the coffin was
placed in the hearse it was covered with a silk national flag with a black
rosette in each corner. On the top rested the sword which was presented to Gen.
Nagle by the citizens of Schuylkill County, after his return from Mexico.
About 3 o’clock the cortege moved from the house in the following order, left
in front:
Hydranlian Fire Company
American Hose Company
Humane Hose Company
Good Intent Fire Engine Company
Cumbola Nagle Guards
Washington Artillery Company
Ashland Veterans
Grant Zouaves, Pottsville
Ringgold Band, Reading
Soldiers Central League, Pottsville
Detachment of Soldiers in Mexican War
Who were in Gen. Nagle’s Company, bear-
Ing the old Company flag.
Officiating Clergy
Pall Bearers—Gen. Wm. W. Duffield, Gen. Geo. C.
Wynkoop, gen. H. Pleasants, Gen. Albright,
Gen. J.A. Hennessy, Col. J.M. Wetherill
Horse and Groom
Mounted Officers in Uniform
Gen. J.K. Sigfried and Staff
The cortege which contained about six hundred persons, moved over the following
route: From house to Market Street; down market to Centre; down Centre to
Mahantango; up Mahantango to Clay; down Clay to Howard Avenue; down Howard
Avenue to the Cemetery.
All places of business were closed during the passage of the funeral train, and
many houses along the route were clothed in mourning while flags were suspended
at half mast and craped. The streets were filled with silent and mournful
spectators. Minute guns were fired from Lawton’s Hill until the cortege reached
the Cemetery.
The religious services at the grave were conducted by Rev. Mr. McCool, rev. Mr.
Cook and Rev. Mr. Billheimer. Mr. McCool delivered an impressive discourse, in
which he dwelt at length upon the life, character, and services of Gen. Nagle.
It was listened to attentively by the large concourse of persons present, which
must have numbered between two and three thousand.
The last military honors were paid by the Grant Zouaves who fired three vollies
over the grave.
The military then returned to Centre Street, where the line was dismissed.
It was one of the largest and most imposing funerals ever seen here, the entire
community evincing sincere sorrow at the loss of an estimable citizen, a brave
soldier, a patriot, whose career will ever be referred to with pride by our
citizens, and whose memory will be cherished while our hills endure.
The Grave of General James Nagle Pottsville, Presbyterian Cemetery (Author Photo) |
Tributes poured in, including from Governor Curtin
and General John Hartranft and no doubt by many others who had served under
Nagle’s command. In histories of Schuylkill County published during the late 19th
Century, Nagle also received high praise. “General Nagle was pre-eminently a military
man, and a patriot,” said one such account. “His life was permeated with a military
spirit, and in this respect broadened him into a loyal and devoted citizen. . .
.He is still remembered by a large number of his fellow-townsmen, and occupies
a generous place in their hearts.”
Another history declared that “General
Nagle’s services in the Rebellion will ever be remembered with gratitude by not
only the people of Schuylkill County, but by the nation at large, who owe the
preservation of their liberties to the self-sacrificing devotion of men like
those who served in the 48th never forgot the “father” of their
regiment. Indeed, forty years later the regimental veteran’s association met to
decide upon what kind of monument they would have placed at Antietam National
Battlefield. It was decided that a slightly-larger-than-life figure of General
James Nagle would stand atop its base. On September 17, 1904, thirty-six
surviving veterans of the 48th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry gathered at the
Antietam Battlefield to attend the dedication and witness the unveiling of this
monument. In addition to commemorating their wartime service and cherishing the
memory of their fallen comrades, the aged veterans who traveled to Antietam that
day were there also to honor the memory of the man who organized and first led
the 48th Pennsylvania, Brigadier General James Nagle.
Bosbyshell, a veteran of the 48th, commenced the dedication ceremony at
Antietam by delivering a few opening remarks. After expressing his gratitude to
the state of Pennsylvania for procuring the funds necessary for the
construction of the monument, Bosbyshell spoke of the late General Nagle: “The
man the Forty-Eighth honors by placing his statue to mark the spot it
maintained in the fight, honors the Forty-Eighth in turn. The organizer and
disciplinarian who brought his command to the highest point of efficiency
amongst the Ninth Corps organizations, the foremost soldier of old Schuylkill
County, Brigadier General James Nagle, well deserves this meed of praise
bestowed upon him.” Following Bosbyshell’s brief opening remarks, the
regiment’s former surgeon, Dr. William R.D. Blackwood, delivered the dedication
address. He spoke of the role the 48th played in the battle of Antietam and the
appropriateness of the regimental monument on the battlefield before turning
his attention to General Nagle:
At this time the merited and (for
ourselves) the coveted promotion of Colonel Nagle eventuated—he won his star as
a Brigadier General. Never did a soldier win the distinction through a harder
road—for his whole time of service this more than brave gentleman and splendid
soldier devoted his every energy to the cause for which he left his home and
family, and supported by his gallant men, he won imperishable fame. . . .Today
we celebrate the attainment of his glory—a glory to him and to us who can never
forget his leadership—may the bronze and granite which we now dedicate to his
memory remain till time shall be no more on this historical field where so many
of our Pennsylvania heroes gave their all to the defenses of the land they
loved, and the Flag they adored.
monument still does stand—112 years later—as does the bronze statue of James
Nagle, standing silently on top. Though with the passage of time, the memory of
Nagle has faded. . .but today at least, 150 years after his death, he is being remembered.
The 48th Pennsylvania Monument at Antietam (Author Photo) |
-Gould, Joseph. The Story of the Forty-Eighth. Philadelphia: Alfred M. Slocum Printer, 1908.
-Wallace, Francis. Memorial to the Patriotism of Schuylkill County. Pottsville, Pennsylvania: Benjamin Bannan Publisher, 1865.-Wiley, Samuel T. Biographical and Portrait Cyclopedia of Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania. Philadelphia: Rush, West, and Company, 1893.