By the turn of the New Year, 1864, the veteran soldiers
of the 48th Pennsylvania Infantry had witnessed more than their fair
share of hardship, misery, and bloodshed. Over the past two-and-a-half years,
the men had campaigned, fought, and bled in North Carolina, Virginia, Maryland,
Kentucky, and Tennessee, traversing thousands of miles and burying their
friends in five different states. Of the 1,010 men who marched off to war with
the 48th in the late summer/early fall of 1861, fewer than four
hundred remained; the others had been discharged, either because of sickness or
wounds, succumbed to disease, or fallen on the field of battle at such places
as 2nd Bull Run, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Campbell’s Station, and
The turn of the New Year,
1864, found the veteran soldiers of the 48th PA in their winter
camps near Blaine’s Cross Roads in Eastern Tennessee, a winter encampment the
soldiers likened to Valley Forge. It was cold, it was snowy, and the soldiers
suffered from a poor diet with provisions being scant. Another Christmas had
come and gone and the men longed for their families and loved ones, hundreds of
miles away in Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania.
When these soldiers enlisted in the late summer of 1861,
their term of service was for “three years or the course of the war,” whichever
came first. For those who took the Oath in 1861, this enlistment was due to
expire in either late September or early October, 1864. The men longed for home
and they had witnessed more than two years of terrible hardship and horrific
bloodshed. . .but the task was yet unfinished; the rebellion had yet to be
crushed and the nation had yet to be reunited.
The primary topic of conversation among the men during
that winter of ’63-’64 in East Tennessee was whether they would sign up for
another three-year of service; whether they would re-enlist. The government
realized so many of its veteran troops were scheduled to go home in 1864, so
they offered a number of incentives if the men reenlisted to serve another
three-year term: a $300 bounty, a 30-day furlough, and the honorary title of “Veteran.”
Plus, with unit pride being so important to the men, if three-quarters of the
regiment re-enlisted, they would be able to maintain their regimental
designation; if not, those who did sign up to serve another three years would
be distributed to other regiments in the field.
For some of the soldiers of the 48th, these
incentives were not enough. There were other things more important—like their
homes and families—and they had already put in enough service, they felt. But,
for whatever their reasons or the motivations, on January 1, 1864, 316 soldiers—well
more than 75%--of the 48th Pennsylvania decided to re-enlist; to
serve until the end, to see the war through to its end. They were the second regiment in the entire 9th
Corps to do so—the 21st Massachusetts beat them to the punch and
were the first to reenlist. For the Massachusetts and Pennsylvania boys, this
meant a 30-day furlough. The Bay Staters left first, leaving East Tennessee on
January 7. Those who re-upped in the 48th Pennsylvania would have to
wait another week—they were scheduled to march away from East Tennessee (for
good, as it turned out) on January 13, heading first back to Kentucky and from
there, by rail to Pittsburg, Harrisburg, before finally arriving back home in
Pottsville for their well-deserved and much-needed 30-day furlough.
Among those who elected to serve another three-year term of service were. . . .
Samuel Beddall, Company E |
Elias Britton, Company A |
Daniel Donne, Company G |
Lewis Eveland, Company A |
Joseph Hoskings, Company F |
James May, Company E |
Henry H. Price, Company A |
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